"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4


Ruth: Her Story for Today


Dear J: Christian Letters to a Young Friend


The Brave Boys of Derry, Or, No Surrender!


The King's Highway: The Ten Commandments Explained to the Young


Guarding the Treasure


Pilgrim's Progress (CFP)


The Holy War (CFP)


Children's Stories


Return of the White Book


Strength and Devotion


With Two Hands


Witness Men


Robert Moffat: Africa's brave heart


Jack Turner: Truth in the Arctic


Jonathan Edwards: America's Genius


Hudson Taylor: An Adventure Begins


Augustine: The Truth Seeker


Gladys Aylward: No Mountain Too High


Patrick of Ireland: The Boy who forgave


Brother Andrew: Behind Enemy Lines


John Calvin: After Darkness Light


Adoniram Judson: Danger on the Streets of Gold


Lilias Trotter: Daring in the desert


William Wilberforce: The Freedom Fighter


John Bunyan: Journey of a Pilgrim


John Welch: The man who couldn't be stopped


John Knox: The Sharpened Sword


David Brainerd: A Love for the Lost


Mary of Orange: At the Mercy of Kings


George Muller: The children's champion


Helen Roseveare: On His Majesty's Service


Charles Spurgeon: The Prince of Preachers


Martin Luther: the Reformation Fire


Robert Murray McCheyne: Life Is an Adventure


Ulrich Zwingli: Shepherd Warrior


John Newton: A slave set free


John G. Paton: South Sea Island Rescue


Michael Faraday: Spiritual Dynamo


Corrie Ten Boom: The Watchmaker's Daughter


George Whitefield: The voice that woke the world


Jim Elliot: He is no fool


Amy Carmichael: Rescuer by Night


Isobel Kuhn: Lights in Lisuland


Elisabeth Elliot: Do the Next Thing


Wilfred Grenfell: Courageous Doctor


Bible People


Christian Stories for Children


I Have a Soul


Ladies of the Reformation


Leila: The Jewish Convert


Little Girl's Treasury GM


The Widow's Son


Lessons for the Young


Footsteps of the Past: The New Testament in the British Museum


My Brother's Keeper


Kept Safely in the Darkest Night


Behind a Frowning Providence


Bible Doctrines Simply Explained


Truth Made Simple: Lectures for Children on the Attributes of God
