"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

Doctrine of the Church

Worship and Witness in Crisis: Has the Church Failed the Covid Test?


God or Baal: Two Letters on the Reformation of Worship and Pastoral Service


The Church of Christ (2 Vols.)


The Scriptural Doctrine of the Church


The Apostolic Church - Which is It?


What Is a Reformed Church?


The Beauty and Glory of Christ's Bride


The Glorious Body of Christ


The Church of Rome at the Bar of History


Catholicism - East of Eden: Insights into Catholicism for the 21st Century


Calvin's Ecclesiastical Advice


Thoughts on Public Prayer


Pope Benedict XVI and the UK


The True Doctrine of the Sabbath


The Lord's Day (Boston)


Calvin and the Sabbath


The Lord's Day


Scripture and Worship: Biblical Interpretation and the Directory for Public Worship


Reformed Doctrine of the Sacraments


A Token of the Covenant


William the Baptist


Christian Baptism


The Biblical Doctrine of Infant Baptism


Children of the Promise: The Biblical Case for Infant Baptism


The Meaning of Baptism Vol. 3: Johannic Baptism


Meditations on the Lord's Supper


A Clear and Simple Treatise on the Lord's Supper


The Lord's Supper and the Popish Mass: A Study of Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 80


The Lord's Supper


Holy Communion in the Piety of the Reformed Church


The Lord's Supper as a Means of Grace


John Owen on the Lord's Supper


Musical Instruments in the Public Worship of God


The Regulative Principle of Worship and Christmas


Instrumental Music in the Public Worship of the Church


Worshipping with Calvin


Sing the Lord's Song: Biblical Psalms in Worship


Make His Praise Glorious


Called to the Ministry


Preparation for Ministry


Encouragement for Today's Pastors


The Elder and His Work


The Priority of Preaching


Ruling Elders and Deacons


Pastoral & Practical Theology of Brakel


The Romish Fisher


Vow to Love


The New Calvinists


Evangelical Eloquence


One in a Thousand: The Calling and Work of a Pastor


Light and Heat: The Puritan View of the Pulpit and the Focus of the Gospel in Puritan Preaching


God's Ambassadors


Lectures on the History of Preaching


Thoughts on Preaching and Pastoral Ministry: Lessons from the Life and Writings of James W. Alexander


The Preaching of Jonathan Edwards


A History of Preaching (2 Vols.)


Princeton and Preaching: Archibald Alexander and the Christian Ministry


Preaching and Preachers


How to Evaluate Sermons


A Handful of Pebbles


The Church Says Amen: An Exposition of the Belgic Confession


On the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons


How Sermons Work


Pastoral Ministry


United We Stand


Ten Indictments Against the Modern Church


The Importance of the Local Church


The Invitation System


What's Wrong with Preaching Today?


The Unresolved Controversy


What Are Spiritual Gifts?


Why Do We Baptize Infants?


Hurt of Hearing Mass


Why Denominations


What is Biblical Preaching?


What Is the Christian Worldview?


What Is Church Government?


What Is a Reformed Church?


Preaching for God's Glory


The Scottish Metrical Version of the Psalms


A Catechism on Praise


The Voice of His Praise: Praising God in Purity


God's Hymnbook for the Christian Church


Ecumenism & the United Bible Societies
