"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

The Brave Boys of Derry, Or, No Surrender!

The Brave Boys of Derry, Or, No Surrender!

The Brave Boys of Derry, Or, No Surrender!


Price: £11.95

W. S. Martin
69 pages
The story of the 1689 siege of Londonderry proclaims the power of God in the incredible resistance of the City of Londonderry against the attempted Jacobite conquest of Ireland by the deposed King James II of England. While the city leaders vacillated, thirteen bold and brave young apprentices took the initiative to close the city gates. "No surrender!" became the rallying cry. Faith in Christ gave the people of Derry the courage to resist in the face of extended siege, blockade, starvation, and disease. Liberty lovers - young and old - should read this book.