"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

Person and Work of Christ

The Person of Christ


Impeccable: The Person and Sinless Character of Our Lord Jesus Christ


On the Emotional Life of Our Lord


Messiah, Governor of the Nations of the Earth


Christ and His Threefold Office


Christ Humbled yet Exalted


The Atonement (Martin)


The Shadow of Calvary


The Priesthood of Christ (MacBride), Special Offer: £7.15 (RRP: £7.95)


The Beauty and Glory of Christ


Messiah the Prince


The Eternal Sonship of the Lord Jesus Christ (hardback)


The Eternal Sonship of Jesus Christ (paperback)


The Transfiguration


The Death of Death in the Death of Christ (CFP))


Christ's Doctrine of the Atonement


The Apostles' Doctrine of the Atonement


The Person of Christ (Owen)


The Priesthood of Christ (Owen)


The Saviour of the World


Particular Redemption


For Whom Did Christ Die? The Extent of the Atonement


The Acceptable Sacrifice


Christ Crucified


Christ Set Forth: As the Cause of Justification and as the Object of Justifying Faith


The Love of Christ


Resurrection and Redemption: A Study in Paul's Soteriology


The Virgin Birth of Christ


Knowing Christ


Calvin and the Atonement


The Shadow of the Cross


Who is Jesus?


None But Jesus


Magnify the Lord: Luke 1:46-55


A Price for a People


The Cross: the Vindication of God


Christ's Pre-eminence


Jesus: Dead Or Alive?


Was Jesus Really Born of a Virgin?


What Is the Atonement?


What is the Resurrection?


Ichthus: Jesus Christ, God's Son, the Saviour


The Cross He Bore


The Person of Christ


The Victory of the Lamb: Christ's Triumph over Sin, Death and Satan


Justified in Christ


Christ's Glory, Your Good: Salvation Planned, Promised, Accomplished and Applied


Christ and the Law


The Great Exchange


Theophany: Close Encounters with the Son of God


Jesus of Nazareth


The Lord of Glory


The Christ of the Prophets


War Psalms of the Prince of Peace: Lessons from the Imprecatory Psalms


Imago Christi: The Example of Jesus Christ
