"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

Worthy is the Lamb: Puritan Poetry in Honour of the Saviour

Worthy is the Lamb: Puritan Poetry in Honour of the Saviour

Worthy is the Lamb: Puritan Poetry in Honour of the Saviour


Price: £13.95

Maureen L. Bradley
374 pages
It is nearly impossible to know the Saviour without being elevated to lofty and exalted thoughts of Him. It is little wonder then, that the Puritans put their pens to writing about the Physician of their souls as well as matters of the soul. Here are hundreds of poems on the most noble of all themes, the Lord Jesus Christ, by some of His choicest servants: Samuel Davies, Phillip Doodridge, Ralph Erskine, John Flavel, John Newton, Augustus Toplady and others.