"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

Why Does God Allow War? A General Justification of the Ways of God

Why Does God Allow War? A General Justification of the Ways of God

Why Does God Allow War? A General Justification of the Ways of God


Price: £4.50

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
112 pages
This is a series of sermons which Lloyd-Jones preaches in October 1939 only a few weeks after Britain declared war on Nazi Germany - that fact alone makes these words all the more powerful because they are spoke in a situation where people would be genuinely asked why does God allow war?
Yet Lloyd-Jones begins with a bigger picture as to why God allows suffering and then after that he considers the narrower question concerning war.
In a world full of suffering and continually plagued by war, this classic book will help readers to think their way through to the Biblical answers and to experience Christian comfort.