"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

Truth Under Attack Vol. 2

Truth Under Attack Vol. 2

Truth Under Attack Vol. 2


Price: £10.00

Eryl W. Davies
288 pages
At a time when there is much confusion over the basic doctrines of the Christian faith, coupled with a proliferation of new religious movements and cults, some professing to be Christian, others not, Dr Eryl Davies has produced an updated edition of his popular title, Truth Under Attack, which was first published in 1990. In this three-volume work he provides an introduction to, and overview of, the contemporary Western cult scene from a biblical perspective, offering many helpful details and warnings about their teachings, and showing how they conflict with the Word of God. It includes many new sects and provides updated information on those dealt with in previous editions. This is the second volume of the trilogy, and looks at the question of what a cult is. Dr Davies then outlines the dangers many cults can pose, and examines their activities in more detail. The first volume deals with deviations from biblical Christianity, and the third will deal with paganism and the New Spiritualities. The aim of The Guide series is to communicate the Christian faith in a straightforward and readable way, and to that end each chapter is relatively short and concise. An innovative feature of the series is that it is linked to its own web site, which can be found at www.evangelicalpress.org, where questions may be posted, to be answered by a team of experienced, dedicated men.