"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

The Romance of Protestantism

The Romance of Protestantism

The Romance of Protestantism


Price: £9.99

Deborah Alcock
The Reformed faith is often slandered as being cold and exclusive. This is no new thing, and it was the passion of this author to counter the propaganda. She set about doing this by writing a book featuring people and peoples from the Reformation era who in humble and self-sacrificing lives represent the Protestant 'soul'. There is an interesting introductory chapter on the definition of romance itself, in the old fashioned sense of the word. Who ought to be the heroes and role models we look to? Protestantism is also subjected to questioning: What essentially is it? What has it achieved? This then is a reflective book. It is recommended reading for those who want inspiring historical instruction. Young people upwards.