"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

The Five Points of Calvinism (Seaton)

The Five Points of Calvinism (Seaton)

The Five Points of Calvinism (Seaton)


Price: £1.50

W.J. Seaton
22 pages
Over the course of the 17th century five great Christian truths, formulated by successors of the Reformers at the Synod of Dort to counter a drift from the Gospel, became linked with the name of the Genevan Reformer who had died half a century earlier. The label ‘Calvinism’ was at first a propaganda tactic on the part of the opponents, but while defenders of the Reformation Faith recognised that it could well be called by another name they came to accept the term as denoting those doctrines which place man in entire dependence upon the free grace of God in salvation. Since the Reformation there have been eras when Calvinism, apparently discredited and forgotten, has risen again with vital force and evangelical power. The church today is in much need of this essential, Biblical teaching. This present booklet is written to explain that teaching.