"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (Smeaton)

The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (Smeaton)

The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (Smeaton)


Price: £16.00

George Smeaton
400 pages
The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit formed the capstone of George Smeaton's teaching.
Handling his subject under three divisions, Smeaton treats first the testimony to the Holy Spirit as it is progressively revealed in Scripture. Secondly, he gives detailed attention to six subjects: the personality and procession of the Holy Spirit; the work of the Spirit in the anointing of Christ; the work of the Spirit in connection with revelation and inspiration; the Spirit's regenerating work in the individual; on the Spirit of holiness; and the work of the Holy Spirit in the church. Finally, there is a historical survey of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit from the Apostlic age.