Various, edited by the Sabbath Observance Committee of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland
Free Presbyterian Publications
63 pages
The anecdotes contained in this book vividly describe how the Sabbath day was once loved and kept from the Highlands of Scotland to the islands of the South Pacific, and from the cities of New York State to the kraals of Zimbabwe. In every age of history, and in every corner of the world, whenever the gospel of Jesus Christ has flourished it has brought forth the fruit of ardent love to the Sabbath in proportion as it has brought forth ardent love to the Lord of the Sabbath. The first Sabbath of the Christian Church was on that joyful day when the Redeemer rose from the dead, and spoke peace to His sorrowful disciples. This first 'Lord's Day' ushered in the New Testament era, and the Church could then sing with greater understanding that it ever had before, 'This is the day God made, in it we'll joy triumphantly' (Psalm 118:24, Metrical Version).
At a time when Sabbath keeping is largely forgotten and even despised, it is hoped that this book will be used to kindle a love to the Saviour and to His Day so that young and old would once more 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy' (Exodus 20:8).