"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

Sum of Saving Knowledge

Sum of Saving Knowledge

Sum of Saving Knowledge


Price: £6.70

David Dickson and James Durham
Reformation Press
106 pages
This book contains much vital spiritual truth in a concise way. It deals with the crucial matter of definig authentic personal faith and the essence of the Christian life. As B.B. Warfield notes, that is why our forefathers 'turned for spiritual nourishment especially' to this volume. It was frequently bound with the Westminster Confession and Catechisms because it forms a practical application of the truths contained within those documents. It is a sure guide in relation to the matters of salvation and anyone may return to it regularly with great benefit. To grow in both appreciation and appropriation of it is to grow in 'the life and marrow of religion'.