"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

Passing Milestones

Passing Milestones

Passing Milestones


Price: £8.40

John MacLeod
Reformation Press
199 pages

A Christian pastor has an affectionate care for his flock. The Rev. John MacLeod wrote pastoral letters to his congregation at the start of most years of his active ministry. He assured readers of his prayerful concern for them and their families, with the desire to provide spiritual benefit. This book contains the collected pastoral letters of Mr MacLeod. They encourage true believers to persevere until they reach that destination prepared for them. The letters also address the careless, reminding them of eternal realities, and pointing them to Christ as the only Saviour.

The Rev. John MacLeod served as minister of two congregations of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland. His first charge was Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis, where he laboured from 1969 to 2004. He accepted a call to the Church's London congregation in 2004, and remained there until his retirement in 2020.