"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

Memoir of Robert Findlater, Special Offer: £7.15 (RRP: £7.95)

Memoir of Robert Findlater, Special Offer: £7.15 (RRP: £7.95)

Memoir of Robert Findlater, Special Offer: £7.15 (RRP: £7.95)


Price: £7.15

William Findlater
135 pages
In 1810 the Rev. Robert Findlater was appointed to his first charge as Missionary Minister at Ardeonaig on the banks of Loch Tay. Findlater devoted himself to instructing a largely ignorant people. His labours as preacher and catechist brought about a great change in the attitude of the people, from that of indifference to a serioud-minded search for the truth.