"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

God, Adam and You: Biblical Creation Defended and Applied

God, Adam and You: Biblical Creation Defended and Applied

God, Adam and You: Biblical Creation Defended and Applied


Price: £9.99

Richard D. Phillips
224 pages
What difference does Adam make? The answer, to many today, is "not much."
Adam, we are told, is a mythological figure who can safely be abandoned without compromising the authority and infallibility of Scripture. After all, is holding on to a historical Adam more important than downplaying Genesis 1-3 enough to mediate the gospel to our secular culture?
The Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology joins with historic Christianity in saying that Yes, it is. Adam is not only necessary to our Christian faith and witness, but he makes a world of difference to our understanding of God, mankind, the Bible -and even the gospel itself.