"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

Free Presbyterian Calendar 2025 - The Sabbath (Now £2, reduced from £3.50)

Free Presbyterian Calendar 2025 - The Sabbath (Now £2, reduced from £3.50)

Free Presbyterian Calendar 2025 - The Sabbath (Now £2, reduced from £3.50)


Price: £2.00

A 2025 Calendar on the theme of Sabbath-keeping, produced by the Sabbath Observance Committee of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland.

"We call upon all the members of this Church, as they love their own souls and value the interests of religion, to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. The most eminent servants of God in every age and country have concurred in regarding the due observance of this day as one of the main bulwarks of piety and a most necessary evidence of its life and power in the heart...the men who in this and other countries had the deepest insight into the mind of God, and were honoured to contend most earnestly for his truth, prized this day of God as an ordinance of great value, and identified the prosperity and life of religion with its faithful observance." - Extracted from "The Sabbath Observance Committee Report of the Free Church General Assembly, 23rd October 1843"

Each month contains a photograph of an eminent minister from the early days of the Free Church of Scotland, most of whom were members of the original Sabbath Observance Committee of that church, along with a quote by him on the practice and piety of Sabbath-keeping. In publishing this calendar, the FP Sabbath Observance Committee hopes it will serve as an encouragement to this most important and precious duty.

*The following discounts are available on bulk orders: 10% for 2-5 copies; 20% for 5 or more copies. Please contact the Bookroom directly for discount orders*