J.L. Girardeau
534 pages
Dr. Girardeau was highly regarded as a philosophically minded theologian and especially gifted preacher in the history of American Presbyterianism. This volume is an important "primary source" in understanding Girardeau's unique contributions and refinements of 19th century American Presbyterian theology, especially as it was practised in the South. The chapters on the definition and division of Theology set Girardeau within the Thornwellian tradition of systematic theology, influenced by both the Scottish Common Sense Realism of William Hamilton and the biblical epistemology and anthropology of John Calvin. The chapters on Scripture, Christology, and Adoption (Soteriology) are important for setting Girardeau in his historical context and recognizing his valuable (and unique) contributions to the development of the doctrine of salvation. Girardeau's work in understanding and applying the doctrine of Adoption is invaluably precious. - From a review.