"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

Creation or Evolution: Why We Must Choose

Creation or Evolution: Why We Must Choose

Creation or Evolution: Why We Must Choose


Price: £8.00

David Anderson
A review by David Anderson of Denis Alexander's "Creation or Evolution - Do We Have To Choose?"
From the Introduction: Dr. Denis Alexander, a fellow of St. Edmund's College, Cambridge, and director of the "Faraday Institute for Science and Religion". Dr. Alexander is both an evangelical Christian and a professional biologist. He is also a Darwinist, not a creationist. The aim of his book is to explain why you should be one too. I was given a copy of this book (its first edition) in Summer 2008, and its contents deeply concern me. Dr. Alexander professes to be an evangelical. The methods of Biblical interpretation which he applies in this book, however, are not. I do not agree with the book's overall thesis - that Darwinism can be harmonised with the Bible - but the non-evangelical hermeneutical (i.e. interpretative) methods which are used to justify that thesis concern me more. Dr. Alexander does not present any argument for his assumptions in this book, but simply presents them to the naive reader as unquestionable.