J. H. Merle D'Aubigne
364 pages
D'Aubigne was one of a group of men that came to evangelical faith under the ministry of Robert Haldane in Geneva. Merle D'Aubigne devoted himself to the kind of edifying and Gospel-defending ministry that he had observed in Haldane. His writing breathes sincerity and truth; his defense of the gospel is profound and erudite; his love for its defenders is infectious. The articles in this volume are sure to bring glory to God and true spiritual pleasure to his saints. - Tom J. Nettles Seventeen classic Reformed essays, discourses and homilies by the brilliant and godly Swiss Reformed Pastor-historian. Such topics as the following are included: The Character Essential to the Theologian, and to Christians in General; Lutheranism & Calvinism: Diversity Essential to their Unity; The Study of the History of Christianity and its Usefulness in the Present Day; Geneva and Oxford; The Voice of the Ancients to the Men of the 19th Century; Family Worship.