"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

Bitesize Biography: George Muller

Bitesize Biography: George Muller

Bitesize Biography: George Muller


Price: £6.99

Joan Ripley Smith
128 pages
It has been well over a century since the death of George Müller (1805-1898), and sadly, fewer and fewer of each ensuing generation have been acquainted with the remarkable story of the man who believed unreservedly in the power of prayer. In his lifetime, Müller was known world-wide for his work with orphans in Bristol, and all who were familiar with the homes on Ashley Down knew that George Müller asked no one but God to provide for the needs of the thousands of children in his care and that God never failed to provide. Some have said Müller's faith in God's hearing and answering prayer was child-like. He would have taken no offence. His child-like faith was rewarded with the blessing of being used by God to bring thousands of individuals to faith in Jesus Christ through his preaching in Bristol, the orphan homes, the distribution of Scripture by the Scriptural Knowledge Institution, aid to missionaries, and his world-wide evangelism campaign.