"Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." Psalm 60:4

A Good Report Through Faith, Special Offer: £9 (RRP: £10)

A Good Report Through Faith, Special Offer: £9 (RRP: £10)

A Good Report Through Faith, Special Offer: £9 (RRP: £10)


Price: £9.00

Alexander Auld, John MacLeod and Donald Munro
Scottish Highlands Reformed Book Trust
171 pages

"A Good Report Through Faith" records the lives of four eminent Christians of the Scottish Highlands. Although John Graham died young, in his brief ministry at Ardclach he left behind him a rich savour of godliness. His preaching was much appreciated by the Lord's people. His uprightness and faithfulness brought persecution which he endured patiently.
Some said of Finlay Munro that he went about the country evangelising in his own strength, but the great blessings that attended his indefatigable labours proved otherwise. It was the Lord's work and it was marvellous in the eyes of those who longed for the salvation of sinners.
Likewise Archie Crawford, another lay preacher, of a later generation, was instrumental in leading many in his native Argyll to the saving knowledge of Christ. His exceptional discernment and his fearless contending for the faith proved him to be, not only a spiritual father, but a faithful guide.
David Steven was reputed as one of the outstanding Christians of his generation. The all-round excellency of his walk and conversation gave him a prominent place amongst the godly of Caithness. Both his labours and his Christ-like savour were blessed to many.